National Youth Ministry Conference.

Enviado por David Franco :: ¡Ya Levántate! a través de Google Reader:

vía Defending. Contending. de The Pilgrim el 4/03/09

In contrast to the other videos out there produced by "churches" (like these and these) and especially those produced for youth "ministry," the following videos are rather mild. However, Ingrid Schlueter really hits the nail on the head with the following quote on the state of perpetual adolescence in church leadership. It begs the question Who's pastoring the youth pastors?

The problem with a lot of youth "ministry" today is that it is all youth and no ministry. With the collective emotional age of a lot of youth pastors not exceeding 12, it is difficult to know what these youth events accomplish aside from furthering the cause of permanent adolescence. Remember Scripture's injunctions that the older teach the younger? What happens when there is no "older?" What happens when nobody matures mentally or emotionally past childhood? What happens when the supposed "men" are flabby, undisciplined kids who spend their time posting videos of themselves on YouTube? Here's what happens.

The above video was produced for an announcement segment plugging the 2010 National Youth Ministry Conference in Chicago.

The following video (produced by the same folks) is definitely catering to the lowest common denominator. Violence, youth rebellion, disobedience to authority . . . all the elements you'd expect to see in a video for youth ministry in American Christianity. And by the way, (at the 39 second mark of this video) does the kid's shirt on the left say what I think it does?

There's a name for this type of behavior. It's called Rejuvenile.


Cosas que puedes hacer desde aquí:



La Espada De Dios ha dicho que…
Jer 17:9 Engañoso es el corazón más que todas las cosas, y perverso; ¿quién lo conocerá?

1Ti 4:16 Ten cuidado de ti mismo y de la doctrina; persiste en ello, pues haciendo esto, te salvarás a ti mismo y a los que te oyeren.

Heb 12:14 Seguid la paz con todos, y la santidad, sin la cual nadie verá al Señor.
Heb 12:15 Mirad bien, no sea que alguno deje de alcanzar la gracia de Dios; que brotando alguna raíz de amargura, os estorbe, y por ella muchos sean contaminados;

Pro 4:23 Sobre toda cosa guardada, guarda tu corazón;
Porque de él mana la vida.
La Espada de Dios, gracias por tu visita.

Como dice la Palabra, no nos dejemos engañar y mucho menos de nuestro propio corazón.

Que Dios te siga bendiciendo.


The views expressed on the articles published on this blog are those of their authors and are not necessarily the views of Jesús 24x7®, its network or associated ministries. Although, it is important to say that we do agree with their zeal for sound doctrine and their efforts towards alerting the Church about false teachers and prophets.

Los puntos de vista expresados en los artículos publicados en este blog pertenecen a sus propios autores y no son, necesariamente, los puntos de vista de Jesús 24x7®, su red o sus ministerios asociados. Sin embargo, es importante decir que estamos de acuerdo en su celo por la sana doctrina y sus esfuerzos por alertar a la Iglesia acerca de los falsos maestros y profetas.