Emergent Rebellion Against God's Definition Morality

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Enviado por David Franco :: ¡Ya Levántate! a través de Google Reader:

vía A Little Leaven de Chris Rosebrough el 26/01/09

Prominent Emergent leader, Tony Jones has already come out of the closet and publically denied God's Word regarding the sin of homosexuality and now he's promoting the Queermergent website.

Even though Emergents try to navigate a middle road between liberalism and conservatism, then end up supporting the same agenda as their Modern Liberal cousins.



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The views expressed on the articles published on this blog are those of their authors and are not necessarily the views of Jesús 24x7®, its network or associated ministries. Although, it is important to say that we do agree with their zeal for sound doctrine and their efforts towards alerting the Church about false teachers and prophets.

Los puntos de vista expresados en los artículos publicados en este blog pertenecen a sus propios autores y no son, necesariamente, los puntos de vista de Jesús 24x7®, su red o sus ministerios asociados. Sin embargo, es importante decir que estamos de acuerdo en su celo por la sana doctrina y sus esfuerzos por alertar a la Iglesia acerca de los falsos maestros y profetas.