Bowing to the God of Football

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Enviado por David Franco :: ¡Ya Levántate! a través de Google Reader:

vía A Little Leaven de Chris Rosebrough el 22/01/09

Purpose-Driven / Seeker-Sensitive Churches apparently have much more important things to do on Superbowl Sunday than hold evening church services. (Their church services aren't really church services anyway. They are really self-help group therapy sessions with a few Bible verses thrown in to make them sound Christianish.)

Here are two examples.

The first if from Perry Noble's New Spring Church Self-Help Center

Super Bowl Promo 2009 from NewSpring Media on Vimeo.

The Second is from Cornerstone Church Life-Coaching Center



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Los puntos de vista expresados en los artículos publicados en este blog pertenecen a sus propios autores y no son, necesariamente, los puntos de vista de Jesús 24x7®, su red o sus ministerios asociados. Sin embargo, es importante decir que estamos de acuerdo en su celo por la sana doctrina y sus esfuerzos por alertar a la Iglesia acerca de los falsos maestros y profetas.