"My Story" - A teenager struggle thru eating disorders and suicidal thoughts

This is not fiction.
This is a real story.
This is God's love found by a teenager who struggled... better said, this is God's love reaching out for her and rescuing her from herself... from anorexia and bulimia (ana and mia), self-injury and suicidal thoughts...

This could be your neighbor, your nice, your sister, your friend or even your daughter... This could be you...

Will you share this story? Will you help those in distress? Will you tell them there's hope? Will you tell them Christ died for them and if they repent from their sin, trust in Him and confess Him as their Lord and Savior, they will be saved and spared from hell? They can live a new life, even when it looks impossible, there's nothing impossible for God.

Will you?

[This testimony was sent to "Ministerio Jesús 24x7" by a teenager who's been in touch with us. She asked us to use her testimony to reach others that might be in a similar situation. Her message is: "No matter what, there's hope in Christ." We encourage you to share this article to as many people as possible, for this is something that happens more often than you think. It is our prayer that this testimony will reach youngsters that are struggling through pain and despair and need desperately Christ.]



The views expressed on the articles published on this blog are those of their authors and are not necessarily the views of Jesús 24x7®, its network or associated ministries. Although, it is important to say that we do agree with their zeal for sound doctrine and their efforts towards alerting the Church about false teachers and prophets.

Los puntos de vista expresados en los artículos publicados en este blog pertenecen a sus propios autores y no son, necesariamente, los puntos de vista de Jesús 24x7®, su red o sus ministerios asociados. Sin embargo, es importante decir que estamos de acuerdo en su celo por la sana doctrina y sus esfuerzos por alertar a la Iglesia acerca de los falsos maestros y profetas.