The Gospel According to the Beatles

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Enviado por David Franco :: ¡Ya Levántate! a través de Google Reader:

vía A Little Leaven de Chris Rosebrough el 8/01/09

Next Level Church in Charlotte, North Carolina has sunk to a low level. Rather than faithfully preaching God's Word (which is what God's Word commands pastors to do) they've bought into the lies of the seeker-sensitive / purpose-driven movement. Aside from preaching on such relevant topics as the movies The Love Guru and The Dark Night they are now launching into a self-help sermon series on the 'Gospel According to the Beatles'. The web graphic from their site is reproduced below. Notice that the Fab 4 have been promoted to 'sainthood' despite the fact that they all openly and bluntly rejected Jesus Christ (especially John Lennon).

Next Level Church is well on their way to producing the same miserable results that both Willow Creek and Grainger Community Church have produced (a 'church' full of people who aren't Christians, who don't believe in Salvation by Grace Alone through Faith Alone, who don't believe in the authority and sufficiency of scripture, and aren't being given the Biblical gospel). Afterall, preaching God's word won't draw a crowd as easily as preaching about the gospel according to the Beatles.

Bonus Material: Next Level Church's 2008 Christmas promo video features Will Ferrel taking God's Name In Vain. Apparently that is no longer a sin among these relevant seeker-sensitive types.



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